live_help Notes

assignment This action requires one of theses roles: Shop manager, Advanced tutor

settings Params

Param name Description
id required . Must be String

The requested id

campus_id optional . Must be String

The campus id or slug

product optional , nil allowed . Must be a Hash
product[name] optional . Must be String

The name. Must be unique.

product[description] optional . Must be String

The description.

product[price] optional . Must be Fixnum

The price.

product[quantity] optional , nil allowed . Must be Fixnum

The quantity.

product[begin_at] optional , nil allowed . Must be DateTime

The begin at.

product[end_at] optional , nil allowed . Must be DateTime

The end at.

product[category_id] optional . Must be Fixnum

The category id.

product[kind] optional . Must be one of: user, manager, auto.

The kind.

product[slug] optional , nil allowed . Must be String

The slug.

product[image] optional . Must be File

The image.

product[is_uniq] optional , nil allowed . Must be one of: true, false.

Is it is uniq ?

product[one_time_purchase] optional , nil allowed . Must be one of: true, false.

Is it one time purchase ?

product[campus_products_attributes] optional , nil allowed . Must be an Array of nested elements

The campus products attributes.

product[campus_products_attributes][campus_id] optional . Must be Fixnum

The campus id.

product[campus_products_attributes][_destroy] optional , nil allowed . Must be String

The destroy.

DELETE /v2/products/1
curl  -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" ""
require "oauth2"
UID = "Your application uid"
SECRET = "Your application secret"
client =, SECRET, site: "")
token = client.client_credentials.get_token

response = token.delete("/v2/products/1")
# => 204
# =>