live_help Notes

assignment This action requires one of theses roles: Advanced staff
chrome_reader_mode This resource is paginated by 30 items

settings Params

Param name Description
begin_at required . Must be String

begin_at must be before or equal to end_at, your date range must be 124 days maximum

end_at required . Must be String

end_at must be after or equal to begin_at, your date range must be 124 days maximum

campus_id required . Must be String

The campus id or slug

sort optional . Must be one of: id, user_id, item_type, item_id, cursus_id, campus_id, reason, created_at, updated_at, event_at, alumni, closed.

The sort field. Sorted by id desc by default.


To sort on journals on the fields alumni on a descending order and closed on a ascending order:


filter optional . Must be one of: id, user_id, item_type, item_id, cursus_id, campus_id, reason, created_at, updated_at, event_at, alumni, closed, event.

Filtering on one or more fields


To filter on journals with the id field matching a_value or another_value:


Filterable fields:
  • id (standard field)
  • user_id (standard field)
  • item_type (standard field)
  • item_id (standard field)
  • cursus_id (standard field)
  • campus_id (standard field)
  • reason (standard field)
  • created_at (standard field)
  • updated_at (standard field)
  • event_at (standard field)
  • alumni (standard field)
  • closed (standard field)
  • event (standard field)
page optional . Must be a Hash

The pagination params, as a hash

page[number] optional . Must be Fixnum

The current page

page[size] optional . Must be Fixnum

The number of items per page, defaults to 30, maximum 100

GET /v2/campus/1/journals
  "begin_at": "2021-12-15",
  "end_at": "2021-12-16"
    "id": 5276532,
    "user_id": 69936,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "item_type": "Internship",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "reason": "Currently doing internship",
    "created_at": "2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-15T01:01:31.450Z"
    "id": 5178542,
    "user_id": 69937,
    "item_type": "User",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "reason": "Used intranet",
    "created_at": "2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-15T05:14:13.644Z"
    "id": 42424242,
    "user_id": 69936,
    "item_type": "ScaleTeam",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "reason": "Was evaluated by someone",
    "created_at": "2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-16T05:02:45.644Z"
curl  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"begin_at":"2021-12-15","end_at":"2021-12-16"}' ""

    "id": 5276532,
    "user_id": 69936,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "item_type": "Internship",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "reason": "Currently doing internship",
    "created_at": "2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-15T01:01:31.450Z"
    "id": 5178542,
    "user_id": 69937,
    "item_type": "User",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "reason": "Used intranet",
    "created_at": "2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-15T05:14:13.644Z"
    "id": 42424242,
    "user_id": 69936,
    "item_type": "ScaleTeam",
    "item_id": 11547,
    "cursus_id": 9,
    "campus_id": 1,
    "reason": "Was evaluated by someone",
    "created_at": "2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z",
    "event_at": "2021-10-16T05:02:45.644Z"
require "oauth2"
UID = "Your application uid"
SECRET = "Your application secret"
client =, SECRET, site: "")
token = client.client_credentials.get_token

params = {begin_at: "2021-12-15", end_at: "2021-12-16"}
response = token.get("/v2/campus/1/journals", params: params)
# => 200
# => [{"id"=>5276532, "user_id"=>69936, "cursus_id"=>9, "campus_id"=>1, "item_type"=>"Internship", "item_id"=>11547, "reason"=>"Currently doing internship", "created_at"=>"2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z", "updated_at"=>"2021-10-16T01:01:34.979Z", "event_at"=>"2021-10-15T01:01:31.450Z"}, {"id"=>5178542, "user_id"=>69937, "item_type"=>"User", "item_id"=>11547, "cursus_id"=>9, "campus_id"=>1, "reason"=>"Used intranet", "created_at"=>"2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z", "updated_at"=>"2021-10-16T05:15:15.874Z", "event_at"=>"2021-10-15T05:14:13.644Z"}, {"id"=>42424242, "user_id"=>69936, "item_type"=>"ScaleTeam", "item_id"=>11547, "cursus_id"=>9, "campus_id"=>1, "reason"=>"Was evaluated by someone", "created_at"=>"2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z", "updated_at"=>"2021-10-17T05:15:25.874Z", "event_at"=>"2021-10-16T05:02:45.644Z"}]