List all visibles exams. Invisibles exams need at least the basic_staff role.

live_help Notes

chrome_reader_mode This resource is paginated by 30 items
assignment_ind This action have additional content with a token resource owner or an application with one of theses role(s): Basic staff .

settings Params

Param name Description
cursus_id optional . Must be String

The cursus id or slug

campus_id optional . Must be String

The campus id or slug

user_id optional . Must be String

The user id or slug

project_id optional . Must be String

The project id or slug

sort optional . Must be one of: id, begin_at, end_at, location, ip_range, max_people, created_at, updated_at, visible, name, campus_id, validated_at, validator_id.

The sort field. Sorted by begin_at desc, id desc by default.


To sort on exams on the fields validated_at on a descending order and validator_id on a ascending order:


filter optional . Must be one of: id, begin_at, end_at, location, ip_range, max_people, created_at, updated_at, visible, name, campus_id, validated_at, validator_id, future, end, validated.

Filtering on one or more fields


To filter on exams with the id field matching a_value or another_value:


Filterable fields:
  • id (standard field)
  • begin_at (standard field)
  • end_at (standard field)
  • location (standard field)
  • ip_range (standard field)
  • max_people (standard field)
  • created_at (standard field)
  • updated_at (standard field)
  • visible (standard field)
  • name (standard field)
  • campus_id (standard field)
  • validated_at (standard field)
  • validator_id (standard field)
  • future : Return only exams which begins in the future. Can be one of: true, false
  • end (standard field)
  • validated (standard field)
range optional . Must be one of: id, begin_at, end_at, location, ip_range, max_people, created_at, updated_at, visible, name, campus_id, validated_at, validator_id.

Select on a particular range


To range on exams with the validator_id field between min_value and max_value:


Rangeable fields:
  • id
  • begin_at
  • end_at
  • location
  • ip_range
  • max_people
  • created_at
  • updated_at
  • visible
  • name
  • campus_id
  • validated_at
  • validator_id
page optional . Must be a Hash

The pagination params, as a hash

page[number] optional . Must be Fixnum

The current page

page[size] optional . Must be Fixnum

The number of items per page, defaults to 30, maximum 100

GET /v2/exams
    "id": 42,
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    "end_at": "2015-07-17T19:00:00.000Z",
    "location": "e1, e2, e3",
    "max_people": 780,
    "nbr_subscribers": 594,
    "name": "Piscine C - Exam 01",
    "created_at": "2015-07-15T13:05:26.006Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-08-27T16:56:15.032Z",
    "campus": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Paris",
      "time_zone": "Europe/Paris",
      "language": {
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        "updated_at": "2021-10-08T16:28:44.040Z"
      "users_count": 22319,
      "vogsphere_id": 1,
      "country": "France",
      "address": "96, boulevard Bessières",
      "zip": "75017",
      "city": "Paris",
      "website": "",
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      "twitter": "",
      "active": true,
      "email_extension": "",
      "default_hidden_phone": false
    "cursus": [
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        "name": "Piscine C",
        "slug": "piscine-c"
        "id": 6,
        "created_at": "2015-09-21T12:36:09.128Z",
        "name": "Piscine C décloisonnée",
        "slug": "piscine-c-decloisonnee"
        "id": 13,
        "created_at": "2017-02-01T14:25:42.300Z",
        "name": "42 Labs",
        "slug": "42-labs"
    "projects": [
        "id": 405,
        "name": "Exam01",
        "slug": "piscine-c-exam01",
        "parent": null,
        "children": [],
        "attachments": [],
        "created_at": "2015-06-29T13:14:31.702Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-09-01T08:35:01.074Z",
        "exam": true,
        "git_id": null,
        "repository": null
curl  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" ""

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    "begin_at": "2015-07-17T15:00:00.000Z",
    "end_at": "2015-07-17T19:00:00.000Z",
    "location": "e1, e2, e3",
    "max_people": 780,
    "nbr_subscribers": 594,
    "name": "Piscine C - Exam 01",
    "created_at": "2015-07-15T13:05:26.006Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-08-27T16:56:15.032Z",
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      "name": "Paris",
      "time_zone": "Europe/Paris",
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      "zip": "75017",
      "city": "Paris",
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        "name": "Piscine C",
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        "slug": "piscine-c-exam01",
        "parent": null,
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        "created_at": "2015-06-29T13:14:31.702Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-09-01T08:35:01.074Z",
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        "git_id": null,
        "repository": null
require "oauth2"
UID = "Your application uid"
SECRET = "Your application secret"
client =, SECRET, site: "")
token = client.client_credentials.get_token

response = token.get("/v2/exams")
# => 200
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